Launch of DYM: Digital technology, a world of possibilities for young people!
![Launch of DYM: Digital technology, a world of possibilities for young people!](
Montreal, January 26, 2023 – Digital Youth Month (DYM) is back for a 4th edition from February 1 to March 5, 2023. This annual event for youth under 35 years old allows them to discover Quebec’s initiatives to develop their digital skills and inform themselves about the domains of the future. A variety of activities are scheduled on the event’s website WWW.MNJ.QUEBEC/EN (shows, gaming, hackathon, exhibitions, workshops, conferences, etc.)!
Besides the activities, the site provides digital resources to explore future studies and careers, learn about digital issues and further discover the possibilities of digital technology. School staff and youth workers will also find plenty to enjoy.
Program details
Each year, the DYM presents a main theme to raise awareness of the right behaviors to develop and adopt online. For 2023, the theme is Online Privacy, because every user must be aware of the fragility of their privacy online and of the privacy of others.
A few observations:
- 63% of youth mistakenly believe that the presence of a privacy policy means that a website will not share their personal information with others;
- 52% of young people use privacy settings when using digital devices or engaging in online spaces;
- 50% of youth have impersonated someone else online or used a fake account to frequent various online spaces. [Source : Young Canadians in a Wireless World]
To deconstruct our preconceived ideas and learn about privacy and public life online, rights and cybersecurity, Digital Spring has produced the Empreinte numérique [Digital Footprint] podcast series in collaboration with Télé-Québec en classe. Designed with teenagers, the episodes are intended for all young people and, undoubtedly, for a few curious adults! The podcast is only available in French.
In the company of host duo Douaa Kachachee (comedian and high school teacher well known on TikTok) and Tom-Eliot Girard (comedian and singer, notably for Mammouth and La Voix), a group of teens take to the microphone to share their experiences and ask questions to the guest experts: Nellie Brière (digital communication specialist), Simon Du Perron (cybersecurity lawyer), Geneviève Lajeunesse of Lab 2038 (an organization whose mission is to defend and promote social justice in the digital world) and Jean-Philippe Décarie-Mathieu (director of cybersecurity at the Commissionnaires du Québec and co-founder of Crypto. Quebec). Humor, discovery and critical thinking are the order of the day! The episodes will be broadcast starting February 16 on and
View the teaser
“Young people are very conscious of privacy and concerned about their image. The podcast will help them become more equipped to learn about their rights and solutions to strengthen their online safety,” says Douaa. “Digital technologies are advancing so fast. It’s normal, with the lack of hindsight, to not see the consequences that our online traces could leave. We’re learning about that too,” adds Tom-Eliot.
Douaa Kachache (comedian and high school teacher, known on TikTok) and Tom-Eliot Girard (comedian and singer, notably for Mammoth and La Voix). Photo: Montreal Digital Spring.
“Studying, working and communicating in the digital age has its challenges! With this podcast, we’re giving them an indispensable guide to developing skills that will serve them in their personal and professional lives. More broadly, Digital Youth Month also allows us to introduce young people to the latest technologies, innovative activities, and tools that will help them become alert, critical, and creative citizens,” says Mehdi Benboubakeur, General director of Montreal Digital Spring.
The CODE Avenir’s day will complete the programming of the Digital Youth Month on Thursday, February 23, 2023. CODE Avenir is a day to better understand the impact of digital transformation on our society and to learn more about training and future fields, especially in digital creation.
A visit to Triotech, creator of immersive and interactive attractions, will be offered to high school and post-secondary students. In addition, two launches will be presented in a 5 to 7 format at the Agora numérique of Collège Bois-de-Boulogne, and broadcast live on the Digital Spring Facebook page:
- Launch of the White Paper on Women in Tech, the latest study of the Printemps Numérique and realized by Amina Yagoubi, PhD in sociology (UQAM).
- Launch of BOUSSOLE, a new online platform developed by SYNTHÈSE to explore post-secondary careers and formations in digital creation.
Montreal Digital Spring, initiator of the event, will also offer its activities as part of the programming:
- 35 Virtual Digital Cafes: workshops offered online to introduce high school students to digital opportunities ;
- The Empreinte numérique podcast, with teens and experts. Broadcast starting February 16 on and ;
- A Webinar with Jean-Philippe Décarie-Mathieu in Facebook Live as part of the Table de concertation en littératie numérique du Québec (February 16 at noon, open to all). Jean-Philippe Décarie-Mathieu is a manager and a cybersecurity specialist. He is also head of cybersecurity at the Commissionnaires du Québec.
Because the development of digital skills and the future of young people is everyone’s concern, Montreal Digital Spring and the organizing committee (École Branchée, Tobo, Technovation Montréal, SYNTHÈSE, and the Musée de la civilisation de Québec) are joining forces to bring together a pan-Quebec community in digital literacy.
About Jeunesse QC 2030
The Jeunesse QC 2030 project, supported by the Secrétariat à la jeunesse du Québec, aims to contribute to the establishment of equal opportunities for young people aged 13 to 29 by supporting the development of digital literacy skills, and thus reduce the digital divide between different types of populations. This project is presented by Hydro-Québec. Hydro-Québec.
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Leticia Lacroix, Digital Literacy Project Coordinator
Montreal Digital Spring
[email protected]
514 578-8475