Printemps numérique, in collaboration with Humaniteq, and thanks to the support of the Quebec Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Energy through the NovaScience program, is launching a training course on AI & Health research. Aimed at health students at all three university levels, the training aims to promote science and innovation in the French-speaking world through online audio content and hybrid workshops. The aim is to educate and train Quebec students in innovative research methods and encourage them to pursue a career in healthcare research, while promoting Quebec’s scientific and technological expertise.

Over the period 2024-2025, a series of eight audio contents will be broadcast every two months, highlighting research projects in artificial intelligence and health conducted by Quebec teams. These will offer a dynamic vision of the progress of French-speaking research in this field.

As part of the 2024 and 2025 editions of MTL connects: Montréal Digital Week, workshops will also be organized to synthesize the learnings from these audio contents, offering a valuable opportunity for in-depth discussion and exchange.

Le Printemps numérique and Humaniteq would like to thank all the partners who have made this initiative possible: the NovaScience du ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec (MEIE), le Fond de recherche du Québecle Centre de recherche Azrieli du CHU Sainte-Justine, l’École de l’intelligence artificielle en santé du CHUM, the Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal, the Consortium Santé Numérique de l’Université de MontréalGénome QuébecMontréal InVivo, the Réseau de Recherche en Santé des Populations (RRSPQ) and la Société Québécoise de l’Intelligence Artificielle en Médecine.

“The talent of healthcare science students in Quebec is remarkable, and it’s crucial to provide them with the tools they need to understand and exploit the advances of artificial intelligence in their field. Our training on AI & Health research enriches their education and inspires them to seize the many opportunities for innovation that AI can bring to the healthcare sector,” explains Mehdi Benboubakeur, general manager of Printemps numérique.

“The training program will be created using a co-construction methodology with a committee of medical students. An expert committee made up of researchers and practitioners will guarantee the scientific rigor of its programming. We can also count on the support of a number of high-quality partners in Quebec’s AI and healthcare ecosystem” details Oriane Morriet, founder and director of Humaniteq.




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If you have any questions about the AI & Health research training program, please contact Oriane Morriet, founder and director of Humaniteq, at [email protected].